Showing posts with label Gold Star Famlies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gold Star Famlies. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

We are all in the last stages of the awful of a cold. I might have gotten better quicker if I did not do a 21 hour work day while John was helping Teri move. All the things I had planned to do while John was with Teri went by the wayside. I just started to do some of the work today. Then became so tired I took a 4 hour nap this afternoon. My voice has almost recovered. The arthritis has kick in with gusto. The only question that remains is if Eric and I will be well enough to go to his day program Tuesday for a day of training for this summers advocate.

Now to the important thing about this weekend.

Please take a moment to remember why tomorrow is a holiday. It may be a day of picnic's and the start of summer. But there is more to Monday. Monday is Memorial Day, a day of remembrance. To remember all the service members that have given their all since 1776.  Please take a moment to think about what this means. If there is a Gold Star Family* by you check in on them. Bring some flowers or a light snack over to them. Ask if you can do any thing for them. Their families have given the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom we all enjoy.

*Military families are considered "Gold Star" if family members died in service. The terms refer to official military service flags, which use star emblems to represent family members serving during war or hostilities.