I managed to get the pattern transfered from my iPad to the Dell computer. From the apple words program to Microsoft office without help from John. After reformatting the pattern and doing spell check I realized that I had forgotten to add punctuation. At one point I felt like I wanted to channel e.e.cummings. One hour later everything was done, including adding the picture. Unfortunately, it is sideways on the blog.
After dinner I managed to get the pattern uploaded to Ravelry.com and love knitting.com. I will try to get it on Etsy tomorrow. The pattern is called Cactus Washcloth. I based it on the saguaro cactus that I view when sitting at the kitchen table. It is also my first reversible piece.
In between all of that, I also managed to clean house and put a few things away. All the laundry, except the load currently drying in the dryer, is folded and put away.