Today was not one of the most stellar days in Eric's recovery. He still has day and night confused and I am not quite sure how to reset his internal clock. Most of us rely on sunlight to reset our clocks with a mechanism in the retina. Eric's retinas are far to damaged for this to be an option. I will humbly accept any suggestion that are put forth.
I think we might even be able to get Eric back to school at least part days in the next few weeks. Then I might just spend a day or two doing just what I want. Like knitting, spinning and hanging out with friends.
I can say that I am feeling a little worn out by this all. I feel that I am losing patients with people and expect them not to screw up. Like not having trained people on back up or people telling me it takes 1 1/4 hours to drive across town and expect me to buy that. Yes I know its winter but this is Tucson for goodness sake.
I did manage to work on the infamous sock today and realized that I am one stitch short in the gusset; however I have decided that I can make the sock look symmetrical and with one stitch missing I will just skip one decrease to make it even for the foot. At this point one stitch is not worth taking out 2 days of knitting. I am not looking for perfection, I am just looking to finish the sock.
The highlight of my day was a short chat with Teri. I am happy to report that things are going well on the Teri front. I am really so very lucky to have a wonderful daughter like Teri in my life.
Well the house seems very quiet so I am hoping that everyone including you know who is asleep, so I can get some sleep. Good night all.