Sunday, August 25, 2013

Oh No

I am going to leave the guys on their own for a few days. I am a little nervous about this. Eric had a cold this weekend and John just caught it. Everyone is saying go, but I am a little nervous about this trip. So today in the midst of taking care of Eric, I started gathering my knitting and spinning. I pulled as many UFOs that I could put together that were small and not fussy. So I have 2 bags of knitting, 1 bag of spinning and a small bag of snacks. What, you did not really expect me to pull and pack my clothes first did you?

I also manage to get over 1,000 rows of knitting added to the 1 million row challenge on Raverly. I wonder if I can finish that many rows while I am gone next week. I also figured out that the stash down does not go as fast if I keep spinning more yarn to relax. Oh well you can't have everything.

Things got a little wonkier as the day went on. So as I was going to record my exercise for the day I could not get my ipod touch to start. The apple store connection on my computer does not even recognize this ipod right now. I tried everything that the page suggested. So it is off to the Apple store tomorrow to see if they can fix it. I am really hoping that I did something really dumb and they wave their magic wand and presto it is fixed. So is this an omen that I should not ignore? Anyway you put it I have a lot of things stored in this little piece of magic. You can not believe how much of my life is stored on those 32 gigs of memory.

So tomorrow it is gathering clothes to pack. Possibly doing all the car pooling to give John time to recoup, pack, go to the apple store and hope for the best. I am a little bit tired so the blog is a little bit choppy, sorry about that.

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