Showing posts with label headaches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label headaches. Show all posts

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Bored, Nothiing to Do

I honestly can not say what I did for all those years before I leaned to knit, spin yarn and weave. My hand is still  too sore to knit. Spinning takes no more than 30 minutes a day. Is it any wonder that I have had tension headaches since Eric got sick. To make matters worse they start any time after 3:30 am. I think that I am in a whiny phase.

An important note to myself is not to schedule and hand surgery 8 weeks before a holiday. Why? You may ask. Have you ever noticed that Eric gets sick around every holiday. The question is how do we break this habit of his and when can I start knitting again?

On the Eric front, he is doing a little better. His eyes are not glassy with fever any more and he is getting more responsive. Don't tell Eric, but he is also making a lot less laundry. I did not have to wash any of his laundry today. Just don't go and tell him. However, the post viral asthma has kicked in. Life with Eric is never boring.

Friday, November 25, 2016


I woke up early with a headache. So I made a cuppa chai and tried to relax as I sipped it. Just as the headache was beginning to fade Eric woke up needing a complete change out and breathing treatment. After settling Eric back to sleep, I then realized that it was 3 am.

This being Black Friday in the United States, where the stores have historically turned the books from red to black. There are always sales. Most start really early. I was awake so why not go shopping and get some great deals.

Then I thought about what I needed. The answer was nothing. What was left on my holiday shopping list. The answer was nothing. What did I want that was on sale? The answer was nothing. So after an hour of deliberation I was finally sleepy.

Later in the day I was going to go shopping for yarn for a project, but decided to go stash diving instead. I found enough cotton yarn to make 2 to 3 chemo caps for a friends brother. Now I just need my hands to be less stiff so that I can knit them.

I then found time for a walk and some weaving. I took my loom outside and enjoyed the unusually warm late November day.

Monday, December 28, 2015

A Very Early Morning

This has been a crazy morning so far.  The barametric pressure started dropping around midnight.  By 12:30 I had the beginnings of a very bad headache.  Around 3 am when that began to fade Eric woke up with leg cramps. I took care of that. Then John helped with a full change out.  I hated to wake him, but since the little bump on the 7th I have not been able to do a complete change out of Eric by myself,hopefully pt will fix that soon. 

I am also sure that Eric is doing his part to keep the pipes from freezing this morning by making more laundry. So as my headache fades I will try to fall back asleep to the sound of the washer running.  If the 1st load of the morning does not do it, I have another one ready to go.  

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Is The Day Over Yet?

As I write this, I note that the time is only 11:30 am. I have been up with Eric since midnight. He had leg cramps and I did 1 1/2 hours of physical therapy to try to loosen the muscles and cox him back to sleep. He usually falls asleep during physical therapy, but not this morning. Being so tired after so much activity left me on the nauseated side. So it took another few hours to convince my tummy that all was right with the world. So I took a nap from 4:45 to 6:30 am.

Breakfast was on the run. A vegan scone from Whole Foods that I picked up yesterday. You really have to try the oatmeal one, it is so yummy, even better than the chocolate chip one and you know how much I like chocolate. I did not have time to make tea so lemonade it was. Somehow my tired mind decided that a scone and lemonade was a perfect breakfast.

Eric and I headed across town to a doctor's appointment. His g-tube is fine, but he has a killer headache, I think it matches mine. I wonder if it is from lack of sleep or the storms or both. So as per the doctor's advice, I gave Eric Tylenol and put him to bed to watch and hope that he sleeps off his headache. I will slip him extra water today too. We will also keep an extra eye on him too.

While all this was happening I managed to insult someone, because I did not have her direct line. I was never given her direct line. I am throwing my hands up with this one. It is too silly to deal with at the moment, I am not in the mood to stroke egos today, you need to look elsewhere for that today.

All this and the only cleaning I have managed today was sending roomba through Eric's room while we were out. I still need to put away laundry, clean the kitchen and dust mop the hall. I am really not sure If I will get all that done and my to do list too. I am doubting knitting or spinning time.

Well the boss a.k.a. Eric needs me so off I go.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

No Rhythm

Today was one of those days with out rhythm. Nothing was in sync. Although we did manage to get to Eric's therapy appointment on time. After that it was all rocky.

I got the newsletter I was suppose to have mailed out on Monday out today. It took me over 3 hours to figure out the the e-mail addresses I used last time were locked out of the system. Someone had put it in a mode of no data retrieval allowed. So I could not just copy and paste the addresses in the e-mail. Once that was resolved the e-mail went out in under 30 minutes. As a plus, I only had to print 3 copies to mail the old fashion way. Yes I screwed that up too. I picked the wrong printer setting. I am so glad that I have in house tech support. John fixed the whole mess up in less than 5 minutes including printing.

I also have to design 2 unique patterns by mid June with specific yarn requirements. This is something I have never done before. So On the 1st one I have been mulling over the shape since yesterday. Today was spent doodling and making newspaper cut outs of the approximate size and shape. Yes I did try on the newspaper mock ups. Then I wrote the beginnings of what I though would work. 2 inches in it was not looking good. So it got tinked. I got a new sheet of paper and tried again. Yes 2 inches in and it got tinked too. With the help of 4 stitch markers I think I finally have something that will work as summer wear in Tucson.

Something I can't figure out is why when some of Eric's aides do not like a particular body wash they feel the need to pour the contents of the bottle into the trash. There is nothing like finding a half of a bottle of Lush body wash poured into the trash can. I really like the smell of that one too.  That is just so wasteful. If they don't like the one I have out would it not be easier for them and cheaper for us if they just asked for a different bottle? After all we do have a few different body washes under Eric's sink. I am still shaking my head at that one.

Then Eric had an asthma attack followed by a headache tonight. So I was with Eric a little over an hour. 30 minutes to make sure his breathing got better and to do some percussion. My hands were not to fond of the percussion. Just a I began to unwind from the asthma attack Eric's headache kicked in. I took me about 15 minutes to figure out what was wrong. He held my hand tightly until the Tylenol kicked in.

I finished the day by going head to head with a white spider about the size of a quarter. Lets just leave that as Sheri 1 - Spider 0. It is time to throw the last load of laundry for the day in the dryer and see if I can get to bed before tomorrow.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy New Year

The day started off with a very early morning headache from he double tooth picks for me. My head was still throbbing when Eric needed suctioning at 5:40 am. That went on and off for most of the day. There was no way I was going to get out of the house for services today. However; I feel that since I was under the weather along with Eric, that taking care of the sick was one step higher on the list of to do's than communal prayer. For everyone I wish a La Shana Tova - A good year with the best of health.

I wonder if the migraine that I started off the day with and John got later in the day is one of those quirky viruses that go around sometimes.

The UCP World Challenge has started. I am on Team Eric. I have put a link to the donation site on the right hand side of my blog. Any donation over $2.00 will get a tax receipt. Our team goal to to climb every virtual mountain and to raise $500. We have made a good start on the mountain and have raised $110.00 so far. As you might have guessed UCP is the non profit that helps Eric stay home with us. With out their help I would not be able to keep Eric home where he belongs. Please help if you can. Thanks from all of us on Team Eric.