Wednesday, June 3, 2020

105f Today Or Hats by the Dozen

What do I do I knit when it’s 105f out? I knit winter hats. You all know that I don’t think summer is long enough.  Pretty soon it will be in the 70’s and the cold weather gear will come out. I am with in knitting distance of 4 dozen hats knit this year.  The earliest it has ever happened.  That means I only need to knit 16 more hats to make my minimum goal of 5 dozen hats. To me that means 60 heads will be warmer this winter.  I wonder if I will make it to a bakers dozen of hats this year. In case you were wondering a bakers dozen is 13 of any baked good.  So that is 12 x 13 or 156 hats which is my all time record.
Stay safe and have some home bound summer fun.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Monday’s Rollercoaster

Today was a roller coaster with some very good highs.  Seven bags made it into the recycling bin, I am hopeful it will squish down if necessary.  One additional bag of trash made it out of the house along with a broken piece of pool equipment from the pump area into the trash.

On the down sloop I started dropping stitch’s on a lace work pattern that I am working on and put it away for the day.  I have 3 hats in progress and could not seem to finish just one.  I meandered my way through the house doing a little throwing and putting things away.  Not much progress was made.

I will end on a good note of walking over 13,000 steps and over 5 miles today.  So goodnight and stay safe.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Number 50

My 50th project for 2020 was a charity hat and the 41st hat I knit this year. I have used about 75 skeins of yarn and have not made a dent in my yarn stash.  So I will keep knitting.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Knitting Scrappy Hats

I have finished six scrappy hats since May 15. It seems that the scrap yarn is multiplying. For every hat I make there just seems to be more yarn left to knit.  The yarn scraps are from other hats that didn’t require a full skein of yarn. I take all the partial skins and put them in one or two bags depending on the size of the skeins of yarn. This often leads to more than one hat being on the needles at a time. I currently have two scrappy hats in progress.

Maybe I shouldn’t of waited until the bags were overflowing before I started knitting the scrappy hats.  In the picture below you will see the two current hats in progress and the two bags of scraps. I really want to get to knitting other hats, but this will only lead to more partial skeins and more scrappy hats.  So I will trudge on and try to finish as many scrappy hats as I can.  I don’t think it will be more than a dozen more hats before the bags are empty. Then I will go back to knitting full skein hats until the bags fill up again. This seems to be my endless cycle.

This is how I am spending my COVID19 summer vacation. What interesting things are you doing?

Friday, May 22, 2020

3 for 3

Today was the third day in a row that we made charity drops.  Today we filled the back of my car to capacity with dog pillows for the animal shelter.  There were 9 in all plus a few odds and ends. Thank to new donation procedures we did not even have to get out of the car. We just popped the hatch and they took what would have been several trips for us. I did not even have to stop knitting. The result is a much cleaner craft room.  Although I still need to vacuum.

I also tried starting my day with a walk around the block, that seemed to help my mood. We also cleaned out part of the garage and put the new patio umbrella up.  All in all a good day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Today was filled with grocery shopping, charity drop offs, knitting and celebrating.   I know a very odd combination but it worked.  I even managed to fill the back of my car with a charity donation.  Yeah for us, less stuff in the house and garage.  I need to see what other charities have curb side drop off.

In knitting, I finished one hat and started another.   Different colors though.

We also celebrated COVID19 style with curb side delivery and immediately put the food in a hot oven when we got home.

A good day was had by all.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

BingingHave a great day.

I am currently binging on hats with my knitting. I started three hats and finished 2 today.  I am almost done with the next dozen hats. Only three more hats to go.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there, Have a great day.