Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday and Keep Repeating Monday

If it is Monday it must be eyrpy Eric night.  He was dry when his aide left..I double checked.  He was soaked at 9:15.  The the wild eyrpy began. 

If he is quite for a solid hour I get to go to sleep.  

I wonder if this has something to do with me catching up on sleep today.? I got a solid 5 hour nap. 

Well it’s time to knit and maybe finish the main part of the blanket so that I can crochet  the boarder tomorrow and the finish the next blanket. 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

3 UFO’s From 2016

This month I will try to finish 3 modular baby blankets that were started in the spring of 2016. This should be an easy endeavor because I only have to count every other row. I also love modular knitting.  I will add a crochet edging. I will also be writing up the pattern as most of my notes are ready to be typed.

As I finish  projects they will go into a box for gifts.  Right now there seems to be something in the water at Eric’s day program.  I think I will need a few baby blankets in the next year.  

I also managed to go through my knitting books today. I filled another bag for Bookman’s. So far I have cleared 12 inches of shelf space. I still have several shelves and a foot high pile of book covering a dresser.  I am still following the book Zenning in 5 minuets a day. I am trying to curate my knitting books to keep the ones most relevant to me, instead of getting every book as they come out.  The exception will be books authored  by friends.  Less is more.  

Thursday, January 10, 2019

11, 12, 13

My next 3 projects finished today. A red hat for Eric, a blue green hat and scarf for The Flowing Wells SD Clothing Bank. For a total of 288 rows towards the 1 million row challenge on Raverly. More projects were also started.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Project numbers 3 through 10

These 8 skeins of yarn are finally finished. The 2 very colorful skeins will be woven in to charity scarfs for a double bonus on projects. The other 6 yarns are samples from the class that I am co-teaching at Grandmas Spinning Wheel here in Tucson. The class is following the book,  52 Yarns to Spin  Before You Cast Off. We meet the last Saturday of the month at 1pm if you are in town and wish to join us. Call Grandmas Spinning Wheel for space availability.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Just Tuesday

I am trying to finish my PHD in knitting and spinning  this week.  I have 2 hats and a scarf  with in rows of being finished. I have 6 skins of yarn that should be dry by tomorrow. With any luck at all and a sincere hope that Eric will be well enough to go to program tomorrow, I might be able to officially knock of 9 more projects.

My clothes shopping trip was a mixed bag.  On the bright side I got a lot of walking done.  I meet my step count for the day. On the getting what I went shopping for, well let’s say it was just sad.  There were a few shakes my head moments too.  There is a “new” “all cotton “ line by a leading clothing manufacturer that is 85% Polyester and only 15% Cotton. How is that legal? Any false advertising there perhaps? How is this supposed to be the “All Cotton ” line? There were less sizes and less selection in all the stores.  Macy’s has a new Department that looks like it is right out of Tuesday Morning. Stores that I went to the mall for were no longer there.  I thought that it was supposed to be easier to find clothing with the weight and inches I am losing.

The sad part of the whole thing is not even the on line stores had what I needed.  Shopping for clothing is no longer fun.  It has become very frustrating.  Are we going back to bespoke clothing? If so get your patterns and sewing machines ready.

Well Eric is finally asleep so it is my turn.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

In the Blender Yet Again

I know things are crazy around here when my to do list takes a backseat to life. John has the crud Du jour.  So I did my best to keep the guys apart, we will know if I was successful later this week.  So I tried to get an early start on chores.  I managed to get 3 loads of laundry done, there would have been more done but I ran out of clothes line space.  I managed to get 3 more skeins of hand spun yarn washed, but due to the damp cold weather ( 1 inch of rain last night) it is taking forever to dry. The dishwasher was run and, emptied and refilled.

Then it was time to fix the vacuum cleaner. For those of you with 3D printers, may I suggest using the shop vacuum to clean up around your printers.  The regular household upright vacuum was not designed to vacuum up filament. Just ask me how I know.  It jams up the beater bar.  It’s a 30 minute very messy job to do.  Did I mention how messy it is?

I also did not need my lunch to explode in the microwave oven.  Who knew that stuffed cabbage was messier than pinto beans,when heated up in the microwave.  It will get cleaned tomorrow, because I did not feel like standing on the step stool to wash it out.

Then under no good deed goes unpunished. I used rumba to vacuum the kitchen floor before I went to Scooba it.  While roomba did a great job and did not knock over my knitting baskets, loom and spinning wheel used as a road block.  Scooba on the other hand died after 10 minutes and would not go any further.  So I mopped the floor using the diluted cleaning solution from Scooba.  20 minutes later the mopping was done and so was I.  By the way I put Scooba in a timeout until we get a new battery.  This upset Eric to no end.

This is why I still have 7 items on my to do list with more to be added tomorrow.  I am exhausted.  Yes, Eric did get enough mommy time today too. I only had the energy to knit 7 rows on Eric’s next hat.  That is 784 stitches. The mittens have not been started.

If someone could lend me their magic wand for tomorrow that would be wonderful.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Playing Catch Up

Eric and I are now over the tummy bug that is going around. So today was a catch up day.  I have finished the 1st stripe on Eric’s new hat. Yes this is hat 3 for Eric for the year. The first one was too short so we are giving it to a friend of Eric’s. The mittens will be started once hat number 3 is finished. 5 skins of yarn were washed in a hot water bath and thwacked. I just checked on them and they are still wet.  Cold damp weather is not ideal for drying yarn.

Some of the baskets in the laundry room are still knee high and with tomorrow being Sunday there will be sheets and towels to add to the laundry room.  I did manage to get 2 loads done today.  Picking up is still a work in progress, but I am sure everything will wait until tomorrow.

Tomorrow, tomorrow is only 40 minutes away.