Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Alpha Testing

The alpha testing continues on John’s new 3D printed knitting accessory. I am really loving the new design. It is so portable.  It traveled with me to Northern California and back. I also love giving positive feedback for changes and seeing the changes made.  I also learned that .05 millimeters can make a huge difference in a 3D design.  Not so much in knitting.

The engineering design work is so different than designing with fiber.  It seems to require a lot more pre planning and tweaking than with fiber.  Don’t tell anyone that you heard it from me, but I am learning a lot about the process.  Some of this might be incorporated in my fiber design work in the near future.

Of course when the design is finished it will be sold exclusively at Grandmas Spinning Wheel here in Tucson.  I will post when that happens.  With pictures of course.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Less UFO’s

Today was spent finishing 3 small knitting projects and weaving in ,the ends.  It seemed to be a good day to tie up loose ends. I am really not sure how it became bed time. Since I have another busy day tomorrow this will be a short post.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

A Great Thanksgiving Week

I had the pleasure of spending part of Thanksgiving week with my lovely daughter and her husband and his family. I had a wonderful time. Thank you Teri,Tej and family. I also got a great picture of Teri too.

Today I spent the day catching up. My to do list is not done, but there is always tomorrow.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Still Zenning

I spent almost 2 hours in heavy deep cleaning....the kind of cleaning you need to change clothes afterward. Then I moved on to zenning all kinds of projects. I dumped so many projects that the dog pillow box is full again, I just made 4 pillows 2 weeks ago. Now I just need to find homes for more dog pillows. The recycle bin is full to the top with days to go before it will be picked up..sigh, I hate not be able to get everything out, but I may run out of room soon.

I threw a party for Eric today at his day program. We went through almost an entire 1/2 sheet cake from Nadine's. Instead of gifts for the young man who has everything he needs we are asking for donations to the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona or a food bank closer to your home,in Eric's name. Just let me know if you made a donation, I don't need to know how much, so that I can let Eric know and thank you.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


As of 9:00p.m. tonight I have taken 11,482 steps.  That is 4.79 miles for me.  I did not go hiking or shopping. All I was doing was trying to zen the house.  My closet looks a lot better.  I found that I had room to move 36 quarts of yarn into more accessible drawers.  Yes, I knit and wove through 36 quarts of yarn since the last reorganization of the yarn. That made over70 hats and a a little more than a dozen scarves for kids in need.

Now if I could only have the G.E. 1960’s self cleaning house of the future. I could use more yarn up faster.  Just imagine if the laundry washed, dried and folded itself. If the dishes washed themselves and magically made their way to the cabinets. Self mopping floors and self vacuuming carpets.  On second thought just give me Rosie from the Jettison’s. Then I could spend my days playing with yarn.

I just have a few more chores to do before bed so I will cut this short.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Last One

Today was the last fundraiser that I will ever do.  I am tired of the event organizers haveing lame excuses for not promoting the event.  I am tired of putting in my time energy and money for such paultry returns for the school or nonprofit. Today’s  fundraiser closed an hour early and I only managed to make $68.00 for the middle school band. I also came home tired and sore beyond belief.

So after the holidays I will figure out what to do with everything.   This will probably end up in very unique and interesting gifts for friends and family.  

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


I finally made it out to get a couple of pairs of pants today. Did I mention that they were a smaller size too? I find women’s clothing sizes so perplexing at times. Can someone please explain to me why the same pair of pants, with the exact same waist with one in standard size and one in petite size.  Why is the petite one labeled plus size and the standard one labeled regular sized?   The only difference is the petite one rides at my waist and the regular sized one is half way up my rib cage, not to mention requires high heels at all times.

Are shorter people automatically supposed to be thinner?  When everyone knows that the taller you are the more muscle mass you have. This also means that  by virtue of being taller they burn more calories.

It’s no wonder that most women I know hate clothes shopping.