Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Disappointed - A Rant

I am currently very disappointed at our Arizona Governor Doug Ducey. He currently seems to present the attitude that it is more important to give cash to big corporation's than to fund social services in the state.

A little back round may be in order. In the last state elections the vast majority of those voting, voted to increase the minimum wage. With Arizona being a right to work state and a historically low wage state, I can personally see how this happened.

Everyone expected the Governor and the State houses to add additional money for the social services, to increase their budgets to keep wage parody. They basically said that they did not want the wages to increase so they gave a ONE TIME extra allotment of money to help with a temporary stabilization of the non profits.

What has happened in Eric's world, is that group homes have been closing. Respite services are no longer being offered. Eric currently has 9 out of 14 shifts currently not permanently  staffed. With the question coming from people trying to fill shifts of asking us to accept a 30 to 40 minute shift instead of 2 to 3 hours, just to get the bare minimum done so that they don't get dinged by the state.  Care for the elderly is decreasing do to lack of staff. This is a major problem in Arizona. We have lots of people that move here to retire with no family ties. When things get rough, non-profit social services have to step in to replace the lack of close by family. This also cost money. The work is never easy. The days are long for all involved especially the primary caregivers. I have first hand knowledge of this.

If you live in Arizona, please call the governor's office and ask for more funding for social services. Tell them your friends and family members are exhausted. That we need more help. We need more funding.

If you know anyone who is looking for a job or a job that pays,  that just  might help with medical school admission have the call UCP of Southern Arizona, Let them know that Sheri sent you or use source code 301.

It is now past 11pm and Eric is asleep. I have been up since 6 am. I am going to grab a nap while I can.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Cleaning When Tired

With Eric sick all of last week, I am exhausted this week. So today, I alternated cleaning and napping. I have to say that I got everything done on my todo list plus a little bit more.

I reworked the new knitting pattern today. I am now 10 rows into the pattern. I think this version will be fantastic.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Oh Well

19 rows into to a new design. Absoulte failure. So I tinked it and am trying plan number 2. Off to cast on.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Date Night

I just love date night when John and I can get out for more than 90 minutes at a time together. Tonight John and I were able to go out to dinner, take a walk around University Avenue and see Trevor Noah's comedy show at Centennial Hall down at the U of A. We really enjoyed the show and John got seats in the 3rd row from the stage. They were really great seats.

They almost did not let my hat knitting in Centennial Hall. The rent a cop thought that the knitting was dangerous. I explained that I would only knit while waiting for the show and put it away once the show started. Also that I was allowed to bring it in last weekend. What the heck is so dangerous about 16 inch circular knitting needles? Or hand knit hats for kids?

When we got home around 9 pm, Eric was still awake. He had a good night, but needed to see mom and dad before bedtime.  Of course he needed suctioning, and a gunk clean out, a diaper change and positioning. Then of course it was time to clean the suction machine, I lost the race so it was my turn, not the most fun I have ever had, but it has to be done.

It is 11:30 pm and I just changed and positioned Eric again. I am still waiting for him to go to sleep. I really hope that he is asleep before tomorrow. I really need to get my sweater done. Both sleeves are almost to the elbow. I also need to add the front placket. It has to be finished by Thursday morning. It is my first me size sweater that I have knit. All the other hand knit sweaters have been for Elmo.  I can not follow and alter a pattern when I am too tired to keep my eyes open, that's what hats are for. 

Here is hoping beyond hope that Eric is asleep and sleeps until at least 6 am.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


All knitting was stymied for want of two U.S. size 7 x 16’s at knitting today. I found just what I needed when I got home and checked the table next to where I knit. It was just one of those days.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

I Have Been Busy

I have big news. I have spun, knit and woven through my entire stash of yarn. All my sewing projects are caught up too. Now I can go play with some jewelry making.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

It Is Going Around

Eric shared his cold. I have slept for most of the day. The worst part of the cold besides loosing my voice is that my arthritis is flaring up. The best part is John is taking care of both Eric and myself.

I am sad that I missed a chance to teach people about spinning today. I choose to stay home when sick and not spread germs. I like to think about germs like glitter, once germs and glitter are out of the jar there is no way to contain them.