Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Can You do too Much Cleaning?

I am at the point of spring cleaning of throwing up my hands and running straight to my spinning wheel. This does not mean that I will stop, it just means that we are almost finished. Or so I think so. With each round of deep cleaning a little more leaves the house. I take time to reorganize things like my fiber stash. I can say that I am making progress there. I no longer have it scattered around the house hiding. It is now in one of 3 places being spun, in a box in the garage and in Teri's closet. Teri's closet has less fiber than last November when we had to stuff things in. I now have about 2 inches of clearance at the top of the clothing rack. No more has been added to the garage and I have space under my desk for my feet.

I am also down on works in works in progress in knitting. I am down to about 8 UFO's from way to many to count. Some are even new projects since the last count. I am enjoying working on things for me. The yarn stash is not down as much as the fiber, because of all the spinning. Less fluff more yarn, who would have thunk.

I have gotten the first box of things for Goodwill boxed and John will drop it off tomorrow. I am hoping to be done with spring cleaning tomorrow. Then maybe I won't dream I am cleaning the house at night.  The worst nightmare ever.

Well dinner is ready so it is time to go. Please enjoy your families.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Catching Up

Spring cleaning is well under way. There might be hope that the house will be ready for Passover.  It is nice sharing the work with John. We work well together.  I also took time to organized fluff. Instead of being scattered around the house it is all in Teri's closet or the garage. My stash is getting realitivty smaller. At least it is not growing.  

I also got caught up on some sleep. Which helps with the arthritis pain.  Last night it got so bad that I got up to clean house on the theory that moving would help loosen things up.  After an hour it was aspirin time.  So I took a 3 hour nap today which helped a lot.  

I also figured out why 2 rows of the shawl is enough for one night. At 398 stitches per row will do that.  It was also easier to work the lace pattern tonight with a stitch marker every 14 stitches.  So as it stands now 4 rows of lace are done and only 16 more rows of lace to go.  I should have it done in a week or so.  Then I will block it.

Tomorrow I conquer the craft room.  Teri's never ending blanket will go on the table that has the beads on it. I will also need to find a pattern for my next sewing project.  So the sewing table will need to be done too. 

I have a busy day tomorrow so I am calling it a night. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

2:30 A.M. Really!!!!!!

Eric was up until 2:30 am this morning. As a result he stayed home today. The combination of things really put a crimp in my day. I only got through a third of my to do list today.  I knew I was to tired to drive today and John was gracious enough to do my post office run.  It was one of those rare days that I was even to tired to do any laundry, which just means I have more to do tomorrow.  

On the bright side today I successfully got through the first of 10 repeats on the lace pattern.  I am so glad that I put the life line in.   Without the life line. I would have been in trouble.  It took me 2 hours to knit 2 rows of the lace pattern. I know it's not much, but here is a picture of the 1st repeat of lace. I know it does not look like lace yet. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Moving Forward

I think I have fianally gotten out of my rut. It only took core spinning 3 skeins of yarn this afternoon.  The good news is that I have finished using all that yucky roving. The last skein is soaking right now. With the hummidity in the teens even with the core they should be dry sometime tomorrow. The bad news is that I can feel my finger joints throbbing.  

I think that the rest of the week will be more productive. I also have figured out where I can send some roving to, to do some stash busting.  I know someone who is doing some felting and this would be perfect for her. 

I also got the last bit of sewing done. Tomorrow the sewing machine will go in for service. Since it is mid March, I hope it will only take a week because most snowbirds are gone.  

It is time to get things ready for tomorrow. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

It's Only Tuesday

I know that I should not take it personally, but we lost 2 aides for Eric this week. This leaves me feeling what did I do wrong? How can I make the work environment better? Why over the last 20 years have all the aides I have recruited for Eric gone on to other consumers with in months or days of hire? You would think that after a month or 2 or longer of recruiting someone to take care of Eric they would not jump ship so fast. This has left me a little bummed out. Oh well off to recruit more people. UCP of Southern Arizona is always looking for good people. Here is a link to their employment page.

I spent the rest of the day going from one crisis to another. With the exception of the aides, I can go to bed knowing that I have cleaned up all the messes of the day.  I also got a few more projects done and out of the craft room. I think I will cut this blog short tonight as the house is turning off all the lights and 6 am does come awfully early when I stay up this late.

I know that tomorrow will be a better day.

Monday, March 17, 2014

A Slow Day

After yesterday's busy day I needed a rest day. So except for 1 load of laundry and grocery shopping not a thing got done.  

That is what I want the world to see, but you know me to well not to ask about my to do list too. Yes I got everything on my to do list done too. So I guess I have a slightly different version of a slow day. 

One last thing. I have a poll that I would like you to weigh in on. I got a batch of roving for spinning that is so bad that I can not spin it into singles.  It is over dyed and felted in some areas.  I have been using it to practice core spinning. The yarn is coming out so course that all it is good for is weaving.  I was hopeing to core spin the last 3 rovings. John, Teri, Eric and my mom think it should go into dog pillows. Not to waste my time on the yucky stuff. Can I get some spinners to weigh in on this.  I have never had roving this bad before and feel guilty about not spinning it.  I hate to waste the money. 

I look forward to your opinions on this. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tucson Festival of Books

I left the guys at home and went to the Tucson Festival of Books.  It was a very nice day with lots of walking and a bag full of freebies. Apples seemed to be the giveaway of the day and I enjoyed 2 while I was walking around.  

I was good and did not buy books. Some looked really good but I have a back log to get through first. I also saw some Native American weaving and figured out how I could I could speed up my weaving.  It was just one of those aha moments. 

As I write this, I am sitting outside Old Main where my dad took classes when he was a student at the UofA. They are in the middle of restoring the building so when they are done it will look a lot like it did when dad was here. 

Well I still have to walk over to the Tyndel garage where the car is parked.  I better get moving before I don't want to move. I still have more laundry waiting for me at home.