Saturday, April 13, 2013

Close to Almost Perfect

Eric was tired from his week at his day program so he slept most of the day. John had a late night so he rested for most of the day. So what else is a girl to do but spin and wash yarn. I have 5 skeins of newly spun this week yarn on the line to dry. I have one skein that I am in the middle of plying on the wheel. I also found time to do a little knitting with ribbon yarn. and go to the grocery store. I managed to save $52.00 with coupons today.

I also found time to do 4 loads of laundry. Don't worry that I will be bored tomorrow. I will have at least 4 loads of sheets and towels plus what ever laundry we make between now and then. The garage is also at the 5 minute time limit for cleaning so I don't get overwhelmed with it all. The very good news about this is that every thing I touched I was able to recycle. Yes I filled 1/2 of the big roll out half full in just 5 minutes. I am just that awesome at times.

Well my ice cream is finished. It is also about time to give Eric his nightly breathing treatment and night time meds. So Please enjoy your weekend as much as I am enjoying mine.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Fun and More

The day was filled with fun, knitting and friends. I think it is the first time in days that I was able to relax. Of course I did add to my UFO pile by starting another cowl. I managed to get the 3rd skein of yarn off my wheel. A lovely merino silk combo.

I tried out my knee on getting Eric into the car this afternoon. My feeling now is that my knee still needs more healing time. This is really hard for me because I am so impatient by nature. So aside from a haircut for Eric and a grocery run, I am planning a lay low weekend.

Well it is almost time. To get Eric ready for bed. So I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I made it through the day

I should learn never tp read my e-mail before breakfast and tea. I got through today and ended up in a good place.

To get there I did 2 hours of house work which help me a lot. John did not mind either.

I finished knitting another cowl , then went after a UFO. I did not finish that, but I did manage to put at least 6 more inches on the scarf.

This thank you goes out to Kathy Withers my spinning teacher. I think I have begun to get the hang of the small bobbin and flyer on my wheel. I managed to get about the same yardage out of 2 ounces that I normally do with 4 ounces on the jumbo flyer.

A thank you also goes out to Lisa for being there for me today. You are the best.

There might be news on the Teri front. I will let everyone know when things have had time to gel a little more.

The house is trying to turn the lights off, well it actually did so I guess this is good night.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Few Good Days

I spent much of yesterday spinning. Today I got equal amounts of knitting and spinning done. With a little house work thrown in too. I decided it was time to rest when my knee started to twinge.

Well Eric has paged me so I have to go.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Feeling Better

The good news is that I did not tear anything in my knee. The bad news is that there is inflammation in the knee joint it self. This is making me tired. So about all I have the energy to do is knit on most days, which results in a lot of projects being finished.

Well I am done in for today. Night all.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 3 and Counting

This is the 3rd day post accident. As usual I feel my knee should be all better, but it is not. I do see the Orthopedic doctor tomorrow. So my life is still in a holding pattern. I still can not drive. I have spent my days knitting and trying not to watch day time TV. Now I remember why I don't have the TV on during the day. I can't believe that people get paid to put most of that on the air. This is the leg brace I am in for the moment, with on of my knitting projects taking a rest on it. Yes it is as cumbersome as it looks. Well I am really tired so this will be my blog post for tonight.

Sunday, March 31, 2013


I had a very busy day planned. I had filled the laundry room knee high after having very little laundry for the past couple of days. Then I decided to take part in the very difficult sport of walking while carrying my knitting in one hand and the rest of my juice in the other. I was less than 1 foot away from my goal. So close to putting my feet up for 15 minutes and knitting before doing more laundry.

Then it happened. There was a very loud pop and my left leg gave out from under me. I fell forward straight on to the couch. The pain was at 10+ on a scale of 1 to 10. I could not scream because Eric was just feet away doing his morning percussion treatment. I only spilled a few drops of cranberry juice on the brown carpet, thank goodness it does not show. My yarn on the other hand unraveled all over the place.

I managed to pull myself into a some what composed position on the couch. With no pod in hand, a fairly new aide for Eric and John at the back of the house there was nothing to do but wait for John and try to will the pain away.

Willing the pain away was not working very well. This being Easter Sunday, my big decision was to choose between urgent care and the emergency room. We decided on urgent care.

My next big decision was how are we going to manage with Eric in his chair and me not able to walk. I knew that I did not want to call my friend Lisa, because it was Easter Sunday. Teri was a whole day away. I was in the middle of going through my list when Lisa called and said that she would be here in 20 minutes.

Then it was off to urgent care. The good news was that there were no broken bones. The bad news is that I may have torn a ligament or tendon. So my leg was immobilized and we came home. We as in John will get me into an orthopedic doctor as soon as we can get an appointment.

In the mean time John will be doing double duty with Eric and I. Plus he will have to run the house and do all the driving. Did I mention I can't drive for a few weeks? So if you can do anything to help John through this I would be very grateful.

I will keep you posted on how things are going. If you would like me at any activity please call me and arrange to pick me up. Thanks in advance for your patience during this very difficult time for us.