Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Eric's First Day of Camp

Well today was the first day of camp for Eric. Eric’s one on one is a wonderful young lady that picked up on everything Eric very quickly. She had even managed to pick up tube feeding before we even finished lunch.

We had a brief tour of behind the scenes of the Tucson zoo and then went to lunch. It had been a long time since I had been to the zoo and I did like all the improvements that have been made. They now have a real lunch room with a real food menu. The snack only menu is a thing of the past.

After we got back one of the closing games was to remember each person’s name. One of the new campers could not pronounce our last name so I became Mrs. Eric. The first time I was called Mrs. Eric, Eric turned red but then he decided that it was a good name for me.

After a full day at camp with Eric I came home and sent scooba on his way and started the laundry. Then it was time to give Eric his evening breathing treatment and fold the laundry from last night. While Eric was doing his breathing treatment I almost finished the scarf that I had been working on for 3 days. I am using up the yarn from my stash that requires size 3 knitting needles. After a quick dinner of fish and chips it is now time to clean scooba and charge him for tomorrow. Then I can take the time to relax.

Have a great evening and enjoy your families.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Big Sale

Hi everyone. I have just the thing to get your holiday weekend going. As you know I am an early holiday shopper I either get the shopping done early or heaven only knows when you will recieve your gift. Since the holidays are just around the corner you know your personal big holidays: I will give you the early bird a gift.

Use the code     Holiday Sale 10     In my ArtFire shop for 10% off everything in my shop.

Happy Shopping. I will add more items as time permits.

Enjoy this holiday weekend and enjoy your families.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Only 2 more hours left of the school year. I think Eric spent most of it home with me this year. I am really hoping for a turnaround for the coming year. But only time will tell.

I am tired after a long night and a busy day. So have a great start to the summer (yes I know you are going into winter in the southern hemisphere and I hope the winter flies by for you. I am defiantly a summer person) and enjoy your families.

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Wonderful Day

Today was a very busy day. I started off at the Honda dealership for what I thought was 1 recall and got there to find that there were actually 2. But they were done in less time than I had thought. I finished 1 UFO and almost finished a second ufo when they were done with my car.

Then off to Target for a high school graduation gift for Eric’s friend Eric H. They have been friends since pre-school. I cannot believe that they are getting that old. Of course I am not getting any older, just my kids are getting older; it must be some physics anomaly that they have not bothered to figure out yet.

I did get a great deal at CVS today; there were a lot of buy one get one free items and a lot of coupons. My total savings was $77.43, and some things I will not have to buy again for 6 months.

After a quick lunch the decision was made that there were no good movies in the theater. So I took Eric to the park today. We went to Jacob’s park which has the Milagro playground. If you have not been it is wonderful for children in wheelchairs. It is completely ramped and even has a rocking boat for parents who cannot lift their children out of their chairs for the regular swings. Our local Rotary Club did a great job on the design and installation of the play area. Eric and Kayla had a great time running around the structure and using the rocking boat. I on the other hand got more knitting done. I almost got another scarf done.

I know that I knit more scarf’s, poncho’s blankets and hats than my family could possibly use but I keep knitting them anyway knowing that the right person will get the right item in the long run. G’D has a habit of making that happen on a regular basis.

I did things backwards today and did my errands first. Well it is time to start the chores for the day. Have a great evening and enjoy your families.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Contest Winners

We have a contest winner. This is for the winner of the basket of yarn.
Chelsey said...

I'm following!

Since I had so many people twitter and not log in to the contest page I have decided to add a second prize. The prize is a set of stitch markers. the winner is tracyliskbrown.

So If you could send me your address I will send out the goodies.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I Am Back to Me

I think I am back on an even kneeling. It started out so simple I had a plan, a very wonderful plan. Friday I was going to go out and knit with my friends at the mall; then go out to lunch with the same friends and have a some wonderful me time. This is when G’D thought my plans were not to be. Thursday night Eric had that eyrpy look and choose pedilyte over what we like to call white gold, seriously this stuff is wonderful 1 calorie per mil, yes that's 250 calories per 8 ounces. Well even with the pedilyte we had eyrpy over night that continued until 10:30 am on Friday. So much for my plans, they went straight out the window.

Between bedtime and 10:30 am Eric made 4, yes count ‘em 4 loads of laundry. Usually this does not throw me into a tail spin, but Friday was just one of those days. Things tend to go right out of sync when things go a wryer. The mood unfortunately carried right through to Monday, along with the out of sorts of things that go along with it. Everything I touched seemed to go wrong. But things started going right about 12:30 pm today. I was more than ready for a change.

So my theme for the week will be onward and upward. Look out house and world here I come. Have a good evening and enjoy your families.

Friday, May 14, 2010

My Very Late Mothers Day Post

This is my very late Mothers Day post. I hope you enjoy the flowers as much as I do.  John and the kids have great taste in flowers. Have a great day and enjoy your families.