Sunday, September 29, 2024

25 Years of Yarn

 I have just finished a massive 9 month project. 

I learned to knit when I turned 40. I thought that it was going to be good for 5 years of learning new things.  I am one of those people who need to constantly learn new things and techniques.  Even reading science journal articles. However; knitting turned into a rabbit hole for me.  First I learned to knit.  I was learning new things weekly in the beginning. I met great friends and developed friendships.  

I met Kathy Withers who was a great influence in my fiber art life. Kathy taught me spin on a drop spindle.  That lead to a whole new world.  More things to learn.  I learned all about fiber animals. I also learned that the younger the fiber animals the softer the fiber will be.  I learned the difference between different types of shepherds and the different philosophies about the animals.  What a carder was and how I could make one of a kind batts. That would in turn make one of a kind yarns.  Even though I don’t dye my own fiber I learned that when fiber is being dyed it’s best not to touch it or push the fiber under the dye. This will result in felted fiber which is very hard to spin. Kathy also taught me about weaving and the concept of neuro felting, although I was much too busy with family issues to take the time to learn. 

Another important influence in my knitting and fiber life is Vicky Konecky the Grandma of Grandma’s Spinning Wheel in Tucson. I started going to Grandma’s Spinning Wheel when Kathy moved her farm lock, stock and barrel to the east coast.  I have learned so much from Vicky and the various staff members and customers over the years.  I learned to spin on a spinning wheel and weave on a ridged heddle loom.  I learned about industry standards of yarns.  I was introduced to other fibers. I especially like the BFL, camel, silk and flax. I have determined that there are very few fibers that I dislike. It is always a comfortable place to sit and knit.  New yarn and fiber show up all the time. 

This is where I was at the beginning of the year.  I had yarn problems.  I had yarn beyond my life expectancy.  I had yarn hidden and in plain sight from one end of the house to the other.  In the garage the yarn was stacked in bins from floor to ceiling in big bins.  It was very overwhelming to me.  It was a creative anchor.  In the beginning of the year I gave yarn to friends and people across the country who could not afford to buy yarn. When they became overwhelmed I felt the anchor grip me tighter.  Then at the Old Pueblo Knitting Guild meeting it was suggested that we donate our excess yarn to the guild to raise money to cover expenses.  It was a big aha moment for me.  I started off in the house going through everything and found 4 kitchen size trash bags full of yarn to go.  Then I moved to the garage.  I limited myself to no more than 5 bins a day to go through.  The bags of yarn started to pile up.  So John moved them behind the couch.  I kept going.  Today I went through the last box in the garage.  I also looked at all my usual hiding places.  I filled another couple of bags.  

This picture is from the garage after I finished today.  Look at all those bins that John can use in the storage room.  We have give some empty bins this year too. This is so he can see inside every single box.  The bottom picture are the bags of yarn leaving the house tomorrow.  The boxes on the left are the only boxes of fiber left in the garage.  A little bit of fiber that needs to be carded and almost all my Sugar n Cream yarn.  I am sorry I don’t have a before picture, but imagine the boxes on the right with 2 more boxes on top, all the way across.  That is an awful lot of yarn that has left the house this year.  I feel lighter.  I feel more creative.  I hope this will give me more energy to create.  Most of all I am really sore from sorting through all the yarn.  My hands are really dry too.  It will take a couple of days of lotion for my hands to recover. The entire family is also happy.  What more could I ask for?  

Friday, September 27, 2024

The Good News

 It was 107f today so I spent it going through more yarn boxes.  More yarn is leaving than staying.  I only have 7 more boxes to go through this weekend. I have more shelves to purge too. If it sounds like a seek and de clutter mission, you are absolutely correct.  

My pile of to go yarn was getting too overwhelming for me to look at until it is gone.  So John decided to hide the bags behind the couch where I can’t see them. He even carried most of the bags out for me.  As you can see from the picture below, which does not include all the bags there was a fairly large pile of bags.  

The even better news is that I found a couple of projects that I want to knit for myself. That will have to wait a few days right now I am using all my spoons cleaning and de cluttering the house. It has literally taken me 25 years to accumulate this much yarn so spending a week to purge a lot of what I don’t need anymore will take a few days more. Then it will be time to reorganize the areas that were cleaned out. Alas, I am getting ahead of myself. I need to finish one task before I start the next task. No cutting corners here. 

All of this yarn and more will be available for sale at the Old Pueblo Knitting Guild fundraiser in January. The details will follow.  If you are nearby or a couple of hour’s drive from Tucson this will be a great opportunity to add to your stash.  

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Stash Beyond Lifetime Expectancy

 Do we really need a stash of yarn, fabric, jewelry, making supplies or any other supplies for our crafts that will last longer than we are expected to live? I have found that I don’t. I have lost count of the number of times that I have done de stashes this year. Each time sending yarn or fabric out to different people and charities. I am in the middle of another de stash that will take me several days to finish. I am going through every single box and project bag. I am currently at the end of day two And I have almost  Six kitchen trash bags full of yarn. I also know that I said that I would donate 4 bags of yarn.  I really hope they take all of my de stash. I know this is all going to a good cause. Our knitting Guild in Tucson is having a stash sale in January so I decided it was time to pair down my yarn stash again.

How many shawls, sweaters, pairs of socks or any other items do we really need in our closet? How many quilts can you put on one bed? How many pairs of earrings can you wear at once?  How much is too much? I want to preface this by saying if the items are going to charity please feel free to ignore this post. Do keep in mind that you need to make a very high-quality project because the recipients do not have the funds to replace them. If you would not give an item to your child or wear it yourself, you should probably not be giving it to other people.

Who started this whole idea that we need to fill every single nook and corner in our houses with crafting supplies? That we need to fill the garage or rent a storage space for all the supplies? How much can you realistically create in a given year.  Is it really necessary to buy supplies that we only marginally like because it’s a good price? Even if  the craft item is at a good price would we use it? If we just buy what we need and use on a regular basis we would not have a space problem. We might even have a few extra dollars to go out to lunch with friends. Perhaps actually take a weekend away or do a fun activity with our families. Have moremoney for retirement.  Perhaps even have more time to create.

This would also eliminate the clutter problem which does stifle creativity.  Clutter can in my case cause an under current of anxiety. The less clutter means that I will not risk misplacing an item I really want to make and use. I found 4 misplaced projects today.  

Also what happens to this incredible collection that you have amassed? Will your family know what to do with it? Will the resort to filling up baskets with crafting supplies and give them away at your services? Will it land up in the landfill? Will it overwhelm your local charity when your family calls them to pick everything up?  

After 40 years of trying to collect a stash of crafting supplies that will last beyond my lifetime, I have said enough is enough.  I am going through everything that is currently in residence in various parts of my home.  I am only keeping a very carefully created and curated collection of supplies.  

The reality is that I don’t have the spoons to start a small business to sell everything that I don’t need to keep or send to charity.  This has not been a stellar year for my health.  Even in the last 24 hours my body and I are not exactly on speaking terms. I am hopeful that by giving away most of my stash that it will help relieve my stress.  Don’t worry, some of it is staying.  I will have enough to keep me busy for a few years still. Also, guess what? If I run out of supplies, I know where to go and get more.  If I find something that I truly love, I will still probably buy it.  

What I will not have is crafting supplies from one end of the house to the other end.  John will have most of the garage back.  I am saying this because I still reserve the right to keep the clothes line and my car in the garage. I am going with the concept that less will be more.  Will you join me in this endeavor?   Let me know. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Making a Big Mess

 I find it simply amazing how much mess that I can make when I go about decluttering and reorganizing the house.  Today I tackled my yarn beyond life expectancy problem.  I know you have read it here many times before.  This time even though I have less yarn, I plan on cutting my stash of yarn by another 25 to 50 percent.  

Today was the start of the project.  I spent the entire afternoon doing this.  I filled 4 kitchen trash bags full of yarn. Back when I could knit up to 20 hours a day, that would have taken me 4 months to knit.  I knit much slower now and a maximum of 2 hours a day, less if my hands are tired. So any yarn  that wanted a U.S. size 1 or 2 knitting needle I did not give a second thought to.  My over abundance of hand spun yarn 50% is gone.  Most of the fingering weight yarn is gone too.  Projects that I did not want to knit, I kept the bags but the yarn is gone.  Even if I loved the yarn and color and texture, it was gone too. 

I only have 2 more bags in the sewing room to go through.  Then it’s the garage.  My goal is not to have any more boxes of yarn in front of John’s car.  I have a very sizable collection of empty storage bags and 3 boxes.  At least 2 of the boxes will be holding more yarn.  

Did I mention that I found a lot of silk yarn that I can use to make art yarn? I found misplaced projects that I knew I bought and have wanted to knit up.  I threw away a basket that was falling apart. I found a new home or a place of residence for the things in the basket. So all in all it was a very productive afternoon.  I have bits and pieces of more room. 

Just don’t go into the knitting or sewing room right now.  They are still a mess.  I have a small pile of yarn to cake up and put in the scarf box.  Yes, I have a box of yarn for scarfs and hats too do I just have to reach in and grab a skein for my next project. I have a new box for my spinning accessories, crochet hooks and Tunisian crochet hooks too. The box that held those things is now full of yarn. A much better use for a big drawer. 

By the way the yarn will be going to the Old Pueblo Knitting Guild for the big yarn sale.  Hopefully my decluttering efforts will help the guild balance the budget.  I will give out the date and place as it gets closer.  

A little peek at the empty bags and the 4 bags full of yarn.  


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Finding Balance

 Today I think I found balance between cleaning, organizing, shopping and resting   Yes, today did include a 2 1/2 hour nap.  Trips to 3 different stores and I got everything I needed for the up coming task’s for the rest of the week. 

I finished my first Tunisian Crocheted Scarf.  I did not use a pattern for the scarf.  I just did 15 stitches across and the basic Tunisian stitch for the entire scarf. I found a bright cheerful verigated yellow and orange color way to offset the dark brown for the edges. It is the perfect size for a younger child. It was too late to take a picture tonight. So you can see it tomorrow. Yes I had one skein of the yarn left and I started a second scarf tonight. I am teaching some friends next week and we will start with a washcloth.  

Now that I have recovered from the latest surgery and the multiple year sinus infection I seem to have a lot more energy.  I also have the need to create.  I am finishing projects as fast as I can.  I am also into organizing things beyond Recognition.  I even have a Dedicated drawer for small spinning items, crochet, and Tunisian crochet hooks, and Miscellaneous knitting items.  Maybe when I’m done I will take a few pictures. Although that is not guaranteed.

Now that my scarf yarn drawer is almost empty, I will have John pull down a box so I can add more yarn for charity projects.  I like to just pull out a dozen or so projects at a time from my stash.  I will also be knitting about 4 pairs of mittens for me.  I lost most of my mittens to the overwhelming scent of the hand lotion fiasco last winter.  The scent of the lotion would  not wash out of the yarn.  I even tried Dawn which I use on raw fleece. After 3 unsuccessful tries, I just threw them out.  

TTFN. My aspirational list for tomorrow as long..

Friday, September 20, 2024

The Boomerang Effect

 I have to admit it has been a very hard year for me.  I need to learn to reset my days activities and plan accordingly. To use my spoons more wisely. Wednesday and Thursday I really over did it.  Today was my wake up call. I have been sore and tired all day.  I have to remember that I am not 30 anymore.  I bounce back much slower.  

That being said, I still have a hard time sitting still.  I like to give the energizer bunny, a run for his money.  I am starting to think this is currently not a good plan. I will have to build back up to that level. It took me months to get out of shape. It will take time  to get back in shape and I am not a very big fan of being patient.  

To that end I picked out a small multi day project to start today.  I made very good progress. Tomorrow I will buy some supplies to finish the job. It should be done by Monday or maybe not. Only time will tell.  

Thursday, September 19, 2024

My aspirational list

 This morning I was tired of the endless to do list that I have been making for decades. I also have been failing to complete them most days which I find quite discouraging.  So today it became my aspirational list. These are the things that I aspire to do during the day. If I don’t get everything done oh well, no harm done. I did manage to complete 80% of my aspirational list today which made me feel pretty good. My dad always said it’s not what you say, but how you say it that matters.  Words do make a difference. Now I just have to get rid of all the list that say to do, and convince people to make aspirational lists instead. 

I was very busy for most of the day. I can’t remember a day recently that I did six full loads of laundry since the end of 2019.  Now to be truthful, two of them were hand wash. But that’s still six loads of laundry. Except for the clothes drying on the clothesline everything is put away too. I haven’t done that in a long time.

I even found time to knit and spin today.  I also managed to get in 10 minutes of Zenning by partly cleaning out a drawer and filling a trash can halfway.  Plus get over 6000 steps just by cleaning house today. So all in all it was a busy day and I’m really tired. I haven’t done this much work since at least the beginning of February so I’d say I’m well on the road to recovery.