Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Which Way to Knit

 I went to my knitting group today. I have to admit that the last half hour of knitting, I was getting very tired. I had been working on a right handed knitting project, when for no apparent reason I started knitting left handed. Then back to right handed. Then left.  Then right. Then left. Then something did not look right or was that left.  

I was knitting on 16 inch circular needles with double stranded yarn.  So I tinked a few stitches and thought I had corrected the problem. This happened 4 more times. Then I decided to tink back until everything looked right no matter how many rows had to go.  It turns out that it was exactly 3 rows.  

For those of you that do not knit, tinking which is knit spelled backwards with an “ing” for grammar.  It is not a very difficult task. However when you add one or more extra yarns it becomes a mini nightmare.  I had 180 stitches of nightmare.  

How am I going to solve this problem you might ask.  It is very simple. I have made markers to remind me whether a project is right handed or left-handed.  So I am going around the house to all my works in progress and mark them all. This way I will always stop at no more of one row of tinking. At the very worst I will have to stop assembling dog pillows to make more of these markers.  

Also I think I should stop knitting when I get tired. Just sit back and enjoy the talk.  No tinking involved.  

I would also love to hear how other people have solved this problem.  

Then it might just be nap time.  

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Getting More Organized

 The best thing that I have found about getting more organized is that it has been taking me less time to find things.  Right now I am knitting a 2 of 3 Shawl Study.  I remembered that I had an extra 1/2 skein of the gray linen yarn that I can add to the shawl to make it a double. It took less than 5 minutes to find the rest of the ball of yarn and make sure it was the right yarn.  It was. Fantastic   

Following in that direction I sent off a 15 pound box yarn to another knitter.  I know the yarn is going to a good home and will be used and appreciated.  It is the equivalent of sending off a whole tub of yarn.  If you are a knitter with stash beyond your lifetime it is time to occasionally find another knitter who would appreciate the yarn.  I am sure that your spouse, children would love it leaving the house. The other knitter will really like some yarn that would have not been possible any other way.  Also don’t accept payment for it. Just have the other knitter pay it forward by donating a finished scarf or 2 to the charity or their choice.  


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Snail is Ahead by a Whole Lap

 I am still in the very long process of healing from the March 1st medical emergency.  It’s has been a slow and bumpy journey. The things I still need to learn is how to sit quietly and rest. By far this is the hardest task I have ever had to accomplish. Also it’s ok if it takes me more than one day to accomplish a chore.  I did not have the energy last month to fold towels so I took my own advice to a new extreme.  In case you have forgotten my favorite laundry quote is “Laundry is like fine wine. No laundry shall be folded before its time.” So I went a month without folding bth towels. Guess what? No one complained about the wrinkles in the towels.  They still work well when hung on the towel rack.  I might just do that again this month. 

I also got new book in the mail that I pre ordered. Advocate by Eddie Ahn.  It is the very first graphic novel that I have ever read.  So far I am 66 pages into the book.  I am impressed by Mr. Ahn’s original art work. His ability to overcome adversity seems to be something I could learn from this book.  I do have an affinity for audio books so I can read while knitting.  I do believe this book needs to be a spiney version.  I am really enjoying it.  The quality of the paper and ink make it very easy to read with my dyslexia. I also tend not to read when exhaustion has set in.  That is why I have not finished the book yet. 

Well it is getting late and I have 1 activity tomorrow.  So I do need my rest.  

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Finished Bathroom

 So sorry it took so long to get the final pictures out. I have been dealing with the aftermath of March 1st.  Yes, it still is hanging around.  I am still tired and tending to over do it. Which results in more naps and down time..

So here is the final finished version of our new bathroom. I just love the new handles too, they don’t catch my clothing.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

New Things

 We started getting new things in pretty quickly and the quality was so much better than the big box stores.  The cabinets, mirror frame with mirror and the medicine cabinet were all handcrafted by an artisan in Tucson that our contractor Tony knows.  I like using local when ever I can.  By the way if you live in the Tucson area and want Tony’s number just let me know and I will get it to you.  

The first step in rebuilding was putting in the new vanity.  Some of the other parts are in the wheelchair accessible shower that we put in for Eric.  So this bathroom has had smaller projects to make it more useful for us. Now it’s all about making it pretty for me. 

As you can see we were able to reuse the vanity top which saved us both time and money.  We were able to get the finish on the new vanity to match the tone of the marble.  We also did not charge out the tile because it was still in really good shape and is the expensive anti slip tile.  

More to come tomorrow   

Friday, April 5, 2024

Where Did the 1980’s Go

 Our house was built in the mid 1980’s. As a result our house has a very distinct 1980’s vibe.  We have been slowly chipping away at the 1980’s.  This bathroom is one of the last vestiges of the 1980’s in our house. So let’s see what happened next. 

We have an empty room with walls that are waiting to be patched up.  The light fixture will be the last to go.  The plumbing still needs to be updated.  Although I am the cause of a sight delay in the middle of the job.  

Thursday, April 4, 2024

What’s Happening?

What is Tony doing to the sink? Any ideas yet?