Friday, June 17, 2022

Changes and Progress

 Today I decided to reorganize the kitchen including but not limited to moving things around on the counters to make room for my birthday present from John.  He got me an air fryer.  I am hoping to make things like taquitos and sweet potato fries.  There are just so many things I miss on a low fat diet.  I also flipped a couple of cabinets around, no not the cabinets themselves, but the contents.  Some things went to the trash. Other things made it to the Goodwill box.  I hope that the countertop will give good visual clues as to where things have moved.  

I also finished up plying the yarn left on 4 bobbins from Tour de Fleece 2021.  The art yarn all looks good.  Tomorrow I will skein it. Wash and thwack the yarn before I leave it in the garage to dry.  

Maybe the above activities will inspire me to get more projects finished.  Speaking of projects, I really need someone to remind me to call Vicky about ordering a new drive band for my Louet Victoria.  Who is going to volunteer.  It is for the large plying band.  I should also order a smaller drive band too. Also none of the above was on my to do list, so that was only half done today.  

See if you can spot one of today’s major kitchen changes.  From left to right our toaster, my beloved Kitchen Aide K-5 bought in 1977 as a present for myself, our tea set up and John’s MK.  The colorful squares on the counter are my hot pads from Trader Joe’s.

Monday, June 13, 2022

It's an Open Secret

 I have decided that John needs some new towels for Father's Day. First I checked out the mall and found nothing. Then after searching the internet for a couple of hours and finding nothing, I went to and found just about the same ones we bought years ago from our local Costco. So the open secret is John is getting 2 new towels for Father's Day. Yes. he already knows that they will not be delivered until after Father's Day.

Just in case you need any new towels here is the link, Turkish Bath Sheets. I am not getting any commission off this link. I just thought that they were good towels. The price might be higher for non Costco members. 

By the way, I noticed a new feature at the nearly empty mall. The mall now includes armed Tucson Police Offices in Tactical Vest. I know its suppose to reassure me that things are safe. I have to tell you it had the opposite effect.  I mean the officer was friendly enough, but still....

In other news, John taught me about right clicking on the mouse for spelling corrections. This is my new skill of the week. 

My Sjogren's is still kicking my behind this week. So I have been super tired. It's got to get better soon.  

Sunday, June 12, 2022

It’s Summer Hot

 Today was a hot day in the Old Pueblo. So we took it easy.  A little picking up, knitting and spinning.  John brought in dinner so we did not have to heat up the house.  My body needed a quite day.  

Friday, June 10, 2022

The Real Reason

 The picture below is the real reason we went to Flagstaff for vacation.  I would like everyone to know that I showed great restraint in my purchases.  I really, really did. I could have bought so much more.  Knowing full well that I could have filled 3 or 4 booths with my stash alone.  So here is my list.  

1. A small Takai Spindle and bowl from  The Natural Twist in Albuquerque,New Mexico 

2. Hand-Dyed Fiber by Kimberly Perkins of Colorado. A pack of minis and a skein to go with for a shawl.  You can find her at

3. Some Hematite balls from a shop near a restaurant we ate at.  I might need some squares or rectangles to properly play with them.  

4. Some lovely comb covers by Mrs. Aragon, mother of Artie Aragon who made the weaving needles.  From Dine Weaving Textile & Looms  From Farmington, New Mexico 

The whole lot fit neatly into one bag.  

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Vacation Part 1

We were to busy having fun to take many pictures. We took more on our second part in Sedona Arizona.  This was our first vacation since the end of 2019.   I lost 5.5 pounds because I was limited to outdoor dining, low fat and carbohydrates meals. I hope that I can keep the trend going.  We also walked an awful lot.  No days of less than 10,000 steps.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Sunday, May 29, 2022

My Learning Curve

 I needed to develope a new learning curve for knitting. I am taking a multi facetted approach. The first thing I did was figure out how I was holding my knitting needles. It turns out I was holding them too close to my body. So I am learning to hold my knitting further away from my body. This has changed a couple of things like muscle memory for one. I am now prone to make more mistakes and can not knit with my eyes closed when I am tired. 

Which brings up the second change which is a major one for me. I stop knitting when my hands or arm gets tired. This means I have less knitting time on bad body days. I used to do more knitting on bad body days to keep my mind occupied.  Now I read more or listen to books on tape. I am actually watching television during the day. This is something I reserved for sick days in the past. 

I am also doing more things with my left hand. I am teaching myself knitting with my left hand for starters. I am practicing coloring with my left hand and then onto writing which I have not done much of since 3rd grade when my teacher did not let us use our left hands at school.  

No my arm is not totally healed by these changes. My right hand is more useful. I am dropping less things. My right hand is not in as much pain. Less pain is always good in. My humble opinion.  

I know that there will be other changes along the way. I need to learn to live within the limits of my body instead of pushing my body to live beyond its limits.  I still push it a little, but not like i use to.