Did you ever have one of those days when your busy all day long and at the end of the day feeling like nothing got done. I felt that way today, but I finished weaving a scarf. Organized the craft room and found I needed 2 less jumbo tote bags to store yarn in. I guess I did use more yarn than I thought, but with over 100 completed projects this year, I should not be surprised. The down side to organizing the craft room is I have all these knitting projects that I wanted to knit but must wait until January. The down side of a better functioning hand is letting it heal after surgery
Also on the list was washing and twacking yarn. The to wash basket is almost empty. I spent about an hour detangling a skein of yarn. By the way I found the skein while cleaning the craft room. I tinked a knitting project and decided the yarn would be a better warp. I put away knitting needles. I still have not found the missing spindle. Maybe the next round of cleaning. So for the next dozen or so scarf’s there will be very colorful warp. Below is the scarf that I did the finishing work on today. It is already in the bag to leave the house.