Saturday, August 25, 2018


Without futher ado, here is hat number 60 for 2018.


Eric is determined that this knitting bag not go back into the craft room until the bag is empty. I on the other hand was done knitting this style of hat for the season. I was getting ready to put the bag back back into the craft room Closet. Then Eric had a temper tantrum. Guess who won? Yes, Eric won. I cast on another hat this morning. By the way the current hat count stands at 59 with 5 more hats in some stage of progress. My guess is that this bag has at least enough yarn for 20 more hats.

Friday, August 24, 2018


Today Eric has me up at 5:30am. What else was there to do but clean the craft room. So I finished winding so yarn and the went on to try to organize some craft bags. I put all the weaving projects together in on bag. Then it was time to organize the UFO’s of knitting projects. I found a lot of lace and sock weight yarn projects which were put in to a project bag together. I also found 2 more hats in progress, in separate knitting bags, which explains the shortage of 16 inch circular knitting needles earlier this year. The yarn has the equivalent of at least 5 more hats. So instead of sixty hats it looks like it’s going to be more like seventy hats or 6 dozen hats with the yarn currently in my hat knitting bags.

I really think that I need to trim that down to just one bag with hat knitting supplies instead of 3. In some cases I think 1 is better than 3. So the Zenning of the craft room continues.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Bits and Pieces

I surprise myself today. At knitting Inge brought her sister who is visiting from Germany.  I took German in the 7th grade and have not practiced much since then.  I did remember how to say guttentag and ein bitta  with the correct pronunciation at the right time.  By the way my spellcheck does not like to check my spelling in German.  So I am truly sorry if I misspelled anything.

I was too tired to shop for clothes so I went grocery shopping instead.   I managed to save about 30% of the total bill with coupons.  The bad news is that I ran out of time to get everything out of the van and still eat lunch before I had to pick up Eric. So I put the perishables up front and everything else in the rear hatch area. Yes, the Popsicle's made it into the freezer before they melted.  Eric was picked up on time..  Eric then supervised the unloading of the van.  John got home just in time to help.  As of now not everything is put away yet.

Eric had a bit of a rough day.  We managed to catch everything before he went full eyrpy.  He is ow on pedilyte and I will go to sleep when he gets to about 30 mls per hour.  He will be home with me tomorrow.  Hopefully he will be up to a car ride and my physical therapy secession. I know they say no kids allowed, but he is older than some of the staff so I am going to bring him along.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Purging and Shopping

Last night was the first night that Eric decided to stay up all night and wanted to play.  I kept putting his covers back on and giving him stuffed animals to play with.  I did not let Eric stay home, but instead sent him to program and took a nap, which lasted until the gardener, construction workers and the noise of running water woke me up.

I went through another section of my closet today and went through all my tank top.  4 made it to the Goodwill box and I put a few on probation.  When the probationary one get to big they will go to goodwill too.  I will go through other areas in coming days

This has lead to some areas of my closet with not enough selection for more than a few days between washing clothes.  I have not lost enough inches to go to the next size down in my closet.  That will take 2 to 4 more inches off my waistline.  I have only managed to get 4 inches off my waistline since June 6th. So I went shopping today. I must have hit the sales just right. I got 1 long cotton skirt, 1 long sleeve top, 1 light cover up and 8 tank tops for $100.  They also threw in all the hangers too.  So all I need now are pants and skirts.  My well deserved Ganga* for the day.also I did not have to go to the plus sizes for anything.

If you think. my day could not have gotten any better. Care stopped by and helped with my personal de stash. She left with 1 bag of yarn to make blankets for foster babies.. and another bag to make gifts for her “step kids”.  John was very happy. I also finished hat number 48.  Eric is asleep so it’s time for me to go to sleep. Night all.

*Ganga is Tucson speak for a great deal.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

More Progress

Each hanger represents a pair of pants or skirt that is now to big to wear. I am mainly losing inches right now which is OK with me to.

My diet has eliminated all high fructose corn syrup, corn sugar, artificial sweeteners and 80% of the sugar that I use to consume.

Breakfast is dependent on my schedule with Eric, but usually cereal and tea.

My lunch and dinner plates now are in the 25% lean protein, 25% starch and 50% vegetables without margarine or butter. My snacks are vegetables, fruit nuts or a spoonful of peanut butter.

This is not the fastest way to lose weight. Although I think that replacing cookies and soda with vegetables and water are a better choice for me. Please check with you doctor before you embark on this or any other diet.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Random Acts of Cleaning

I find it simply amazing that such a random act like packing can lead to a random act of deep cleaning. Tonight while refreshing my kit, I noticed that my toothpaste had expired. So in my search for a good tube of toothpaste I inadvertently cleaned out a drawer.

What lead to this, is that I am leaving the guys home to go to a fiber retreat this weekend. I will be at Sheep Thrills in Prescott Arizona. Hopefully doing a lot of knitting,Spinning and relaxing.