Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A new Chair

The exciting news of the day is that we took Eric in for the 1st of 2 wheelchair fittings. We have the chair and color pick out along with most of the components. We just have 1 more visit before they can get insurance approval and order the chair. Lets hope that this goes very fast.

I will show off some spinning tomorrow. It sounds like my boss has gone to sleep.

Monday, July 22, 2013

A Good Day

Today started out pain free. So I did a lot of housework and laundry this morning. I started my cleaning spree at 6:15am I was a total whirl wind until 11:30 when my body said enough.  

I really do hate that sudden drop of energy where I go from 60 to 0 in minutes. This is caused by the Sjorgrens.  I managed to keep my eyes open during the lunch John made.  Afterward I told John I need to rest before I went to pick up Eric.  I did not wake up until Eric was home and watching his afternoon shows.  

I managed to make dinner, but let John do the serving. I did not trust my hands to serve or carry full plates of food.  

Well tomorrow is a busy day. Eric is getting fitted for a new wheelchair.  He is excited and has already decided on green for the color. No suprise there   Every wheelcair he has had since he has been 3 has been green.  

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Eric had a very bad night last night. I did not get him to sleep until Midnight. Eric was back up at 2am until 4:30am.  Yes he woke up again at about 6 am.  I did manage to get 8 hours of very broken sleep which left me exhausted. 

On a more positive note, the poncho I cast on last night now has the 1st 6 inches knit on the second piece.  Wearing the same shoes I wore yesterday I managed to walk 10,000 steps or about 5 miles today.  I had no knee pain, only the very usual stiffness that comes with exhaustion.  

I am trying bribery with Eric tonight.  If he sleeps tonight he gets to hang with his friends tomorrow and get extra hugs.  So I am going to take a chane and call it an early evening.  

Saturday, July 20, 2013

New Shoes and More

Eric slept for 12 full hours last night. I can not remember the last time that had happened. Me on the other hand was up at around 4am from arthritis pain. Eric was in a really good mood today too. Although I can not figure out how he managed to get more sleep today as he dozed on and off. I really hope that he sleeps tonight. So far its almost 11pm and he is still up.

As for the arthritis pain in my knee, I recently did some research on causes of foot/knee pain. Report after report said that the slip on shoes that I like can be a cause of improper alignment of the foot, that leads to bad body alignment. They all recommended sandals with sturdy soles and the straps that go across the front of the foot, mid foot and a strap that goes behind the heal. Yesterday I went shoe shopping and today I wore the first pair. Gravity Defyer - Amelia in black. The stiffness has not gone totally away, but I have not had any Tylenol since 4am and I don't think that I needed any until bed time. I have not had any sharp or shooting pain. No muscle cramps in my calf's. So day 1 is a success. I did take one Tylenol right before I was going to sleep an hour ago. Also I would like everyone to know up front that I had never heard of this brand before shopping yesterday. I paid the going rate for the sandals at the time of purchase and was not asked by the company to review these shoes. I am also not giving any professional medical advice. Please go to your personal physician for any medical questions.

On the spinning front I am trying another artsy spin on a drop spindle in shades of purple with diffrent fibers. I will post a picture once it is plied. I also started the second half of a poncho. I am really tired and hope that Eric goes to sleep soon.

Friday, July 19, 2013


It has been a couple of days since I last blogged.  Eric did keep me up very late  for two nights in a row.  Tonight he was asleep by 7:30pm.  I did find out that caffeine only goes so far before my body gives me a manadatory nap.  

I only plied one skein of yarn today. I also found my knitting mojo today.  I finished the first half of a poncho that was started last year and cast on the second half.  I dipped into my bits and pieces basket to make it more interesting. 

I did find time to go shoe shopping today. I am hoping that sturdier shoes will help my knee and this everything around here. 

Before I ramble on to much more I will call it a night. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Busy is Good

After sleeping in until 8:30 I managed to get everything done on my to do list. John was wonderful and did all of Eric's driving today.  On top of that he got new tires and an alignment for my car. Plus he tackled putting Eric's clothes away. Eric managed to make 6 out of the eight loads I did over the past 2 days, I should have taken a picture. The folded clothes over whelmed the couch.  Not to worry I will have one or two more chances this week to pile clean clothes that high again.  

I have been very busy spinning this week.    I also figured out if I dump all my samples and small bits of fluff that I can combine them to make some one of a kind yarns. 

Well the house is quite and I have a girl friends son in the morning. So it is time to call its day. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday in the Blender

Today was my day off that wasn't.  My plan for the day was a little laundry, shopping and lots of spinning with no cleaning. My goal was to spin 2 full skeins and get them plied.  Well you can just see where this went. After shopping where I saved $77.00 with coupons and specials. That was my retail therapy for the day. I did 6 loads of laundry and caught up on folding from the weekend. I did cleaning that required me to change out of my nice outfit into grungy clothes and out of those when I finished cleaning. Yes it was that messy. No you don't get to find out what got that messy in the first place.

As for spinning I pulled out some 15.5 micron extra fine merino wool from Grandma's Spinning Wheel here in Tucson. Pictures will follow later. It was like butter in my hands. I wished that I had more then 45 minutes for spinning on my wheel today. By the way if you happen across some extra fine merino wool I would recommend that you try spinning it at least once. I know that it is pricey, but for a rare treat, it is worth it.

Well I have been up since 3 this morning and I am really hoping that Eric falls asleep before 11 or 12 tonight. So I am going to do something much quieter than typing.