Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I spent last weekend with my mom and came home to a boy who caught the stomach flu that was going around. This was after he was told he was not allowed to get sick until I came home from my visit with my mom. John has a much greater apperation for my all nighters or near all nighters with Eric. I personally think he did a terrific job with Eric.

Since I got home Sunday night, I have had 1 all nighter and one relatively early night where he went to bed at 1:30am ish. It is now Wednesday and my body has hit the very tired stage. As a result I am very grumpy and not a lot got done today. I am sure that things will be better in the morning.

I did manage to finish 1 scarf today. Then did the finishing work on that scarf plus 7 others that are now tagged and bagged. The only thought related to the scarfs is how 2 kitchen trash bags full of yarn only translates in to a little over 1/3 of an XXL Ziploc bag full when knit into scarfs. It seems to me that the finished bag should be fuller.

Well it is getting late and it is time to call it a night.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Random Acts of Spinning

If you hang around me long enough you just know how I love getting my fluff samples from Phat Fibers. This sfternoon I took a bunch of samples in the same color range. All kinds of different fibers and colors, not to mention prep styles. Preped them and mixed them all up in a one gallon ziplock bag. I then started pulling them out at random from the bag to spin. What I am getting is a one of a kind art yarn. I am so into this one that at 10:30 I had to pull myself away from the wheel so I can get some sleep. Tommrow I plan to be back at Tje wheel in between chores. Pictures will follow. Fibers

Monday, June 4, 2012

A Long Over Due Blog Post

I write so much about Eric, that some people might not realize that John and I have a very talented daughter also. I am so very lucky to have such a wonderful daughter like Teri in my life. So I would like to share with you the write up I am sending to our local paper.

John and Sheri Karobonik are pleased to announce that their daughter, Teri Jane Karobonik, has graduated from Santa Clara University School of Law in California. Prior to Law school Teri graduated from Catalina Foothills High School in 2005 with Honors and received her bachelors degree from the University of Arizona in 2009 with Honors. She was also inducted into Phi Beta Kappa at the University of Arizona.

While in law school Teri served as a Lead Production Editor on the Computer and High Technology Law Journal which is the #5 Science, Technology, & Computing Law Publication and #6 Intellectual Property Journal in the country. She also participated in Honors External Moot Court as well as serving as the co-president for Santa Clara's ACLU chapter.
Teri will be receiving a High Tech Law Certificate IP Specialization with Honors. In addition, she won a CALI Award for highest grade in Mass Comm II; A Witkin Award for Academic Excellence for Virtual World Law; two High Tech Excellence Awards and a Pro-bono recognition award for her work last summer at the Electronic Frontier Foundation(EFF).
In addition to working at the EFF, she has also worked at a small firm doing in E-discovery on a multi-million dollar Quin Tam Pro Case and as a Research Assistant. She also served as an intern for The Federal Legal Assistance Self-Help Center at the San Jose Courthouse (FLASH), where she helped pro-se litigants navigate their cases and served as an expert in copyright law for all of the FLASH-like programs within the state of California.
Teri is currently studying for the California bar exam and hopes to pursue a career in litigation and pubic policy work in the areas of Intellectual Property, Privacy and Internet Law .
*Please note that Teri was the guest columnist for this blog. I will be happy to forward any comments you have relating to this post to her.

A First for Eric

Today was a new first for Eric. He made his way into adulthood, he started his day program. So I spent the day training and answering questions about Eric. I think the day went well and things will get better as time goes on. I mean how can you flirt or express your independence with your mother in the same room?

As the day progressed I was able to step back and watch the interactions in the room and liked what I saw. I find it amazing that people seem to forget I am there when I was knitting or spinning. I wonder if they thought I was not paying attention to them?  Of course things will have to be fine tuned for Eric and that will not happen over night.

Not much else got done today, but that is OK with me. I felt it was more important to get Eric off to a good start then to do chores.  Now to gather the energy to do the things that needed to be done while I was with Eric today.

Friday, June 1, 2012

It's Here

Awe you just have to love summer. At our house it briefly got up to 109f. So I spent the day knitting wool scarfs. I also found the time to do some spinning. I also love this time of the year,because when else can you pull pj's off the clothes line at 10 in the evening and have the pj's feel like they just came out of a hot dryer? Yes this is a short one done on the pod. Night all.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Stash Busting

Sometimes the realization hits in my stash busting journey just how many hats and scarfs for charity I will have to knit before an area becomes yarn depleted. Don't get me wrong I do love knitting and I need to knit to keep my sanity some days. If you have ever watched kids programing for 18 hours a day while taking care of a sick kid you know exactly what I mean.  But I am just 2 scarfs shy of knitting 2 trash bags full of Joann's Sensations Licorice in the past 2 months.

Today's cleaning and organizing yielded yarn for at least 24 more scarfs and some where between 50 and 70 hats. I know I will enjoy knitting each and everyone of them. I know that in this economy every one of them will find a home and be out of my house in a few months.  Then it is off to the next area, and the next. 

I am slowly knitting down my yarn and have even passed some on to new knitters. I can say that I have no more yarn in the storage room or the living room. Yes the living room does look much neater.  I have 2 areas still out of control the craft room and the area in the garage with 6 - 96 quart boxes of yarn. I hope some day to have my entire stash in my closet not overflowing the storage containers. This I hope will also include the fluff. When I stopped buying yarn I replaced it with fluff sprees. After all you get more bang for the buck by spinning then knitting it. Right?

 I know I will never be one of those people who buy one or 2 projects at a time. I know this because I have been know to knit 2 scarfs in a day and start the third. But how exactly do I determine how much yarn is the right amount for me. Don't expect an answer today but sometime in the next year or so. After all I come from a family of pack rats. How do I know this? Well there are still a few boxes, still sealed from a move in 1965 in my moms garage.

I don['t know if I will ever be as organized as John or Teri but I am really trying my best. Well It is time for more kids programming and knitting . Maybe another couple of scarfs will get finished.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Not bad for a Wednesday

After a good nights sleep and 2 day time naps I am almost recovered from Eric's weekend. Lets keep it our little secret and not tell Eric that today I caught up on laundry too. Yes Eric is still home until next Monday, but he had a better day today too.  It seems to go hand in hand when he has a good day, I have a good day. When he has a bad day my seems to go down hill fast.

 Maybe tomorrow I can con him into supervising the clean up of the craft room or catching up on filing. I would like to get the craft room useful after I had to clear craft material from the rest of the house. Then maybe I can get some carding done and catch up on some sewing repairs.

I did manage to find time to knit and spin today, but no projects got finished. The result of a lot of much needed sleeping not a lot of cleaning got done, but that should be remedied tomorrow.  Now its time to go off to dreamland.