Showing posts with label bad driver awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bad driver awards. Show all posts

Monday, September 10, 2012

I Surived Monday

Eric decided at 2 am it was time to get up and ready for his day program. I tried for 2 hours to get him to go back to sleep. At 4 am I caved and turned on PBS kids, got a soda and did some knitting until it was time for me to get my day going. By the time I was ready to drive Eric to his day program it was blazing headache time.

Eric was all smiles when he got to his program. He was happy to see all of his friends. I on the other hand made an extra trip back to the car to get the umbrella that I forgot to grab. I decided to get some juice and a sweet roll for breakfast. That was a decision that I would regret later as I was really to tired to eat. My tummy let me know loud and clear that this was a bone head move.

After a few errands I caved in and took a 2 hour nap. I felt much better afterwards. It is a good thing the call to schedule round 3 of Eric's ISP came after the my nap. I think if it had woken me up or came before my nap I would not have been as nice. You all know just how much I love filling out the same paperwork 2 times and having it get lost in the system. I am trying to decide just how cordial I will be at meeting number 3 and whether to serve ice tea and a small cake to help things go smoothly. Did I mention I now have to clean the dinning room before Thursday because there will be to many people for the kitchen table. This time we get to have not one but 2 supervisors coming along to help fill out the paperwork. My personal feeling on this is, that if someone with a Masters in Social Work can not fill out the form properly maybe just maybe its time to dumb down the form and make the system a little easier for the staff to use. Also the people in Phoenix need to look a people like Eric as real person and not just some dumb number on a page. I am sure that they got all their information from books and real life has nothing to do with their jobs.

Now on to my next rant of the day. Stupid drivers that I encountered today. The first was weaving in and out of traffic with his left leg hanging out the window. Speeding to boot. I don't think I have ever before seen the "This is your speed sign" just flash red and blue like that before, it is usually blank or has the speed if you are going over the limit.   The second was driving an SUV with a dog sitting in her lap. She was paying more attention to the dog than her driving. She almost hit me :(  My personal feeling on this is that small dogs like small children need to be properly restrained in a car for their safety and the safety of others.

I do have one cooking tip for today. When the pizza crust package say preheat the oven they really do mean it. I did not today and landed up with a crunchy crust and barley melted cheese.

Well as you can tell from this blog I am really tired and need to get some shut eye.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Driving Safely

I have to admit that I don’t get out of the house as much as I would like to. Having said that I would like to comment on the awful driving I have witnessed in the last few days here in Tucson. I would like to give these anonymous drivers the following awards.

The I Am King of the Road no matter what award goes to the driver who refused to pull over for the ambulance with full lights and sirens going. I only takes but a moment to pull over and let the emergency vehicle pass. The life you save might just be someone you know; after all it’s a very small world.

To the multiple drivers who are on the phone. The I am just in too self centered to pull over and finish the call award goes to the many drivers who slow down to a crawl and chat away on their cell phones. Call me old fashioned but I learned to drive before cell phones and frankly we just don’t need any other distractions while driving. My humble suggestion is to just pull over take your call and then get back on the road. So you arrive a few minutes late but you do arrive alive and don’t annoy all the other drivers on the road.

The Red Light Runner Award goes to the too many people who did not even slow down for the red light but just speed through the intersection. You might be in a terrible hurry but it will take a lot longer to get there if you land up in an accident.

Just remember that when you get behind the wheel of your car you are not in a little cocoon shielded from the outside world. But instead a tiny cog in the community that you live in responsible for the lives and safety of All of those around you. Even the few and the brave who walk or ride their bikes to where they are going.

So drive safely so you can enjoy your families for a very long time.