Showing posts with label Random thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random thoughts. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2016

Just A Thought

I have thought long and hard before writing this blog post.  I don't want to sound preachy or holy than thou. I just want to put forth this idea.

I know we all live very busy life's. Most of us have more on our plates than a reasonable person would consider prudent. We are in a hurry to get everywhere. We live in our own bubbles. Who has time to pull over for a siren, even for a minute? What difference would my minute make?

What if I told you it could make a world of diffrence for someone outside of  your bubble? Wouldn't be nice if everyone pulled over? Maybe even say a prayer for those on the ambulance for a speedy recovery. Pray that the Public Saftey Officer returns safely to their families at the end of their shifts.  I feel that the power of prayer is very powerful. We can make a diffrence by one act at a time. I know that there are a few atheists who read my blog and think the whole idea of prayer is useless at best. For you all I ask is that you pull over for sirens because it is the right thing to do. 

The thoughts and opinions are my own. If you agree with this blog post please feel
free to share the link. If you would like to publish this post elsewhere please contact me, arrangements can be made. 

Have a nice weekend and enjoy your families. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Random Thoughts

It has been quite a while since I painted a frosted cake with cocoa butter and cocoa blended to different shades of brown.  I should do that again soon. 

Getting real tired of parents of special needs kids complaining how hard it is to take care of their children once they have been placed in a group home for someone else to do all the work.  If you really want to complain join the ranks of us who care for our kids all the time.

I am really upset with the person who hit my van that I use to take Eric to his day program. I did not realize how hard or expensive it would be to get Eric around with out the van.  I guess he is not 5 years old or 30 pounds anymore. They really put a huge whole in Eric's life.  

I think I bought too many DVDs for Eric's holiday presents.. I may need to do more shopping. Only 3 gifts were not DVDs.  

It's getting harder to tell the difference between a drunk and distracted drivers on the roads. So please don't drink and drive. For heavens sake please put that cell phone down. If you don't want to pay attention to your driving please be a passenger.  

Hopefully the carpets will be dry enough to put things away tomorrow.  This is getting to be too much for me. Yes I know how unorganized  I normally am, but this is much worse.  Now if I could just remember where I put the?

I love the not on the menu chicken vegetable soup that they make upon request at China Phoenix at Oracle and Ina in Tucson. It can really make my day and is even better than brownies. I love their dim sum too, but don't get there often enough for it.