Let’s face it. I am a book dragon. I tend to collect books faster than I can read them. Once read I hate to let them go. This is the pile I have on my nightstand waiting to be read. I find it a bit overwhelming and daunting at the same time.
So with some clever organizing I was able to clear one bookshelf off by rehousing everything on the shelf. John then graciously dusted the shelf and moved a shelf of books for me to the higher shelf. He then dusted the lower shelf too.
Then it was my turn to prioritize which books to leave on the nightstand and which books to move to the shelf. Then I went and gathered books off my dresser and some from the knitting room. The empty shelf is now almost full with knitting books on the left and smaller fiction and nonfiction books on the right. With the taller knitting books on a different shelf. It feels good to get more organized.
One of the books that was waiting to be read got started tonight. I really love the ease of reading in short bursts. The book is very spot on about our hectic lives. I would highly recommend reading this book. “ I’m not too busy “ by Jodi Hills. No, this book will not be leaving the house when I am finished because I managed to snag an autographed copy. This book you will have to find on your own.
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