Sunday, May 5, 2013


It was a typical day around here today. I had 3 loads of just Eric's laundry. The usual house work got done. Both spinning and knitting were accomplished. Newly spun yarn was washed and is hanging in the garage to dry.

There were 2 note worthy things that happened today. The first is that I went to a fundraiser to benefit Eric's day program. I have decided that I am not coordinated enough to do Zumba. Zumba is also hard on the knees. The music however was great. I think Eric has some of the songs played today on his pod. I also tried Hip-Hop. I wasp not fond of the music although the moves as shown today some what resembled techno.

I also found a use for Teri's childhood step stool. It makes a perfect foot rest for knitting. This is very appropriate because it makes it easier to work on Teri's blanket.

Well it has been a long and busy day. I am really hoping that Eric sleeps tonight, not only because it is my night, but I really need Eric to sleep at night.

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