Thursday, March 20, 2025

A Fairly Good Day

 I managed to sprain my ankle yesterday.  Please don’t ask me how I did it.  I honestly don’t remember.  The good thing about the whole thing is that I managed to get my foot wrapped up all by myself.  This is the first time in years that I have been able to do that.  

I also managed to shop for and make dinner tonight. This is the second time this week.  We will eat the leftovers tomorrow night.  

Then the major accomplishment for the day was doing a Russian join on fingering weight linen yarn.  Even if I have to say so myself. The join came out fairly smooth and flat.  Once knit in I personally don’t think anyone will notice it especially from 5 feet away.  

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Trouble With Cooking Beef Stew

 I made a beef stew for dinner from scratch today.  Hours later the house still has the wonderful smell of beef stew.  It is making it hard to fall asleep.  The recipe I used is below.  

Beef Stew

1 pound of flank steak cubed

1 large onion peeled and diced

1 pound of carrots peeled and sliced. 

1 whole celery cleaned and sliced

2 tablespoons olive oil 

Salt and pepper to taste

1 pound frozen mixed vegetables 

Water as needed

1 Le Creuset soup pot*

Heat the olive oil in the Le Creuset soup pot over a medium heat.  Add the flank steak, salt and pepper.  Brown the meat.  Add the diced onion.  Cook until the onion is translucent.  Add the carrots and celery. Cover with water and bring to a boil.  Turn the temperature down to medium low.  Simmer for 3 hours or longer if you have time.   Add the mixed frozen vegetables. Cook for an additional 30 minutes.  

Refrigerate the leftovers and you have a delicious meal for the next night.  

Makes 5 to 6 servings.  

*I used my Le Creuset soup pot for this recipe.  My husband bought it for me when we no longer need the 7 1/2 quart pot. I am not receiving any compensation from the Le Creuset company for my recommendation.  I just think it makes a better pot choice and I am less likely to burn the stew with a heavier pot. I also love the even heating.  

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Feeling Better

 The new medication is amazing.  I am slowly, but faster than last time, feeling better.  I am slowly getting my energy back.  I am playing catch up right and left.  I can even drive myself to the store, do the shopping and still have enough energy to drive home.  Naps are less frequent, which is a good thing.  I am sleeping more at night.  

That being said I am still hopping from project to project.  I still have a very short attention span. Occasionally finishing one every few days.  Maybe this will actually help lower my UFO pile. I can at least hope that will be the case.  

TTFN, I have a sweater to pull out of the hand wash sink before bed.  

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Another Project is Finished

 Another project bites the dust and goes into the storage bag until October or November when it will get delivered to the Flowing Wells School District Clothing Bank.  This is the second completed scarf and the 7th completed item for the year.  I have less energy right now, so things are going very slowly.  

This came off the loom a few days ago, then it was wash and thwacked. Rinsed and hung to dry. Today I did the trimming  and took its picture.  It will probably go to a high school student. As you can probably tell it is another stash buster scarf.  

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Spin Together 2025 Has Ended

 My total spinning for Spin Together 2025. 

8 ounces of plyed yarn.  I did not check my mileage before washing.  

1 ounce on a Navajo made bottom whorl spindle.  My first spin on a bottom whorl spindle.  

1/2 ounce on another bottom whorl spindle.  

I do think that I like bottom whorl spindles.  

Also after the yarn bath, my hand wash sink turned purple.  The only thing that got the excess dye off was Comet Cleanser with bleach.  Now I can wash an ecru linen shirt tomorrow.  

That is one full bobbin.  

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Next Bobbin

 Today I started the next bobbin for Spin Together 2025.  

Monday, February 24, 2025

Time to Pivot

 For Spin Together 2025, I had originally planned to master the supported spindle spinning.  My body however had very strong reservations on the subject. So today I did a major pivot and  looked in my fiber stash and choose 2 color coordinated roving’s that I bought at my favorite Local Yarn Store, Grandma’s Spinning Wheel . By the way I am on the Grandma’s Spinning Wheel team  for Spin Together 2025. 

I switched to my Hansen mini pro e-spinner. Since I was not planning to use my e-spinner this week, I spent the morning finishing up some quick plying and skeined in the yarn off the bobbins.  I do not have enough bobbins to cover unplanned projects. Of course the four skeins had to have a bath and are now drying in the garage. You can find Hansen Crafts at this link.  I do love my Hansen e-spinner.  One of the best things about it is that I can use it when I am in a flare up and can’t use my Louet Victoria or Lendrum DT.  It’s the whole bit that I must rest as much as possible during a flare up. But as long as I am not treadling I can still spin.  

I am a little over 1/3 of the way through my first roving.  This is my spin from this afternoon.