Showing posts with label Retirement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Retirement. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy 2020

This is the first morning of 2020.  This year I will put a few goals in writing.  They are in no particular order.

1. Teri would like me to read 100 books this year.  A more realistic goal is 12.  So I will strive to read 12 books and any extra books read is a bonus for Teri and Bookman’s.

2.  I will try to finish 100 craft projects this year.  With a minimum of 5 dozen hats, to be knit over the summer.

3. I will try to publish 4 patterns this year. I hope that this is not too ambitious for me.

4. I will try to enjoy my retirement and get out more.

I could add more, but this is all that I am willing to commit to this year. I have not set goals since so last century. This list is doable if nothing major happens this year.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Getting My Grove Back

I am getting into the grove of John flunking retirement. As per John he did not flunk retirement, he just picked up another hobby which is called work for 2 days a week. The first 3 months or so I felt like I did when he first retired, a little out of sorts and my rhythm was gone. I am starting to get my rhythm back.

I spent the day at the computer and got 50% of what has piled up cleared away. Tomorrow I think I will try to get a head start on taxes. Yes, it is already September and I want to hand my portion off as soon as possible. Try to finish a baby blanket for a baby shower in a few weeks. There is nothing like just in time knitting. I think I will use some of the quite time for some more deep cleaning and organizing which I just can't get done with the guys home.

Once things are more settled, I am hoping to work on my fiber art projects and knitting for a few hours a day. I also want to add walking and maybe some yoga back into the mix. Well Eric is done with his percussion, so I can turn off Sesame Street and serve dinner.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Life in Retirement

John retired at the beginning of the month. My assumption is that life would get a little slower. After all we started sharing the chores including car pooling for Eric. Wrong. I am now busier than ever. As a team we are getting more done. We now have to keep track of each others calendars. We still have to time everything around Eric's schedule, but we knew that from the start. We still keep up with our friends and have individual friend time. We are also starting to go out with other couples, although this still revolves around Eric's schedule and respite care. There is a nice balance in life.

What I enjoy most about Johns retirement is that we have more time to spend together. To me its like being back at the beginning of our marriage, but with a few years of experience under our belts.  We will not be doing a lot of traveling like a lot of new retires, the boss aka Eric would have none of that.

Life was good before Johns retirement and now I can say with certainty, that it is even better. To steal a little line from the Robert Browing poem "'Grow old along with me!  The best is yet to be." Each day is a new adventure. With a little more sleep for the both of us, which means for me That I am more alert and getting more detailed things done. Look for more patterns soon.

Well I am off to start another busy day.