Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New Rules

While I was out tonight the guys tried to change the rules of the house. The original rules were.

Rule #1 Mom is always right.
Rule #2 If mom is wrong see rule #1

We have been living with those rules for a while and they seem to be working out just fine in my humble opinion.  Well not so much with the guys. Here is the change that they wanted.

Rule #1 Mom is always right.
Rule #2 The world revolves around Eric.

Not that we don't spend a lot of time with our lives revolving around Eric already, I was just not ready to give up Rule #2. So I came up with a compromise.

Rule #1 Mom is always right.
Rule #2 If mom is wrong see rule #1.
Rule #3 The world revolves around Eric

Just looking at that I think they need a further revision.

Rule #1 Mom is always right.
Rule #2 If mom is wrong see rule #1
Rule #3 If mom is not around Dad has the right to claim rules # 1 and 2 as his own.
Rule #4 Teri gets as much parental time as she needs. Teri has the right to claim this as needed over Eric's needs from 1 parent at a time in person. Both parents if necessary by telephone.
Rule #5 The world revolves around Eric.

Eric must have gotten wind of the rule changes that I will propose tomorrow, because I had to stop in the middle of writing this to give him a breathing treatment. When I told him of my counter proposal he signed a vigorous no. I will have to see how Teri and John like these changes. I still do try to run the house in a democratic fashion. Eric likes to think that he is the king of our little place in the sun. I think I like the golden rule better. Whom ever has the most gold is the ruler of the kingdom.

Well it is getting to late to think about they whys and wherefores of the new rules tonight.

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